Recently in Mumbai, there was an effect of cyclone Tauktae and it appeared on Monday 17 May 2021. There was a huge loss for everyone and several things got damaged. People faced a huge loss and also had a problem with their houses as the cyclone effect was bad and severe. It was difficult to go outside as all the breeze was too much. Several trees were fallen and areas were affected and in great loss. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt who have a home that is under construction in Bandra also faced the damages. As in front of the house, a huge tree had fallen and it was difficult to enter the area.
There were several damages in the city and the heavy wind and rain were very dangerous. The cyclone just caused huge and several damages. The construction house of the cutest couple was also covered with trees and the way was blocked as a huge tree had fallen. The cyclone has also affected the other celebrities and they have faced dangerous damages in their areas.
The storm also got the highest rainfall in Mumbai in the month of May. The city was logged with water and roads were blocked with trees. It was very difficult to get all the things back after the cyclone Tauktae. The fence around the construction home also got damaged due to a tree. All the areas were flooded and were in bad condition.
Here are some photos of the damaged area of the under-construction house of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt and stay tuned to