Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are the most popular and cutest couple in Bollywood. The duo is soon to get married, and they look fabulous together. They have a great and a huge fan following who love them and are happy to see them together. Both actors are successful in their careers and have appeared in various films.
The couple gives us major relationship goals, and we just can’t stop staring at them as they are just amazing. According to the reports, the net worth of actor Ranbir Kapoor is 322 crores, and on the other hand, Alia Bhatt’s net worth is around 72 crores, and the combined net worth of the duo is 394 crores. Yes, it is shocking, but the couple has just amazed us with their acting skills, and they have earned a lot from their talent and have become successful in the industry.
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