The heartthrob of Bollywood, Ranbir Kapoor is a prominent actor in the industry. He made his debut with Saawariya in 2007. The actor has appeared in several films and the majority of his films are hits at the box office. The actor has given various performances and has played amazing roles. He has amazed us by giving superb and mind-blowing performances in his films. The actor has also achieved several awards for his work in the industry. He just looks damn hot and sassy and just amazes us with his fabulous and mind-blowing looks. The actor’s acting skills are also fab and he just plays every role perfectly. The actor’s best 5 performances from his films are:


The actor played a fantastic role in his film Rockstar and the movie was all about a singer. The actor’s performance was just fabulous.

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

The film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani has become the most super hit and popular film in the industry. The amazing acting skills of the actor were just fab and the way he presented himself was amazing. The dialogue delivery of the actor was also fantastic.


The actor played one of the toughest roles on the big screen in his film Barfi. The way he acted was just fabulous and did the acting of a deaf guy. The actor also won awards for his performance in his films as his acting was just mind-blowing.


Sanju is a film based on the real-life story of actor Sanjay Dutt. The actor played the role amazingly and performed the role fabulously. The actor was just looking like Sanjay Dutt and the way he acted was also superb.


In his film Tamasha, Ranbir Kapoor gave a fabulous performance and has just stunned us with his superb acting skills.

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