Rashmika Mandanna, the Pushpa actress is making hurls on the internet, with her amazing dance to the song Saami Saami in the movie. And while we have been awing over her stunning dance steps, attitude in the song, the actress, besides that is wowing us with her stunning ever pastel-hued avatars on camera. Almost giving us goals with her looks in the outfits the actress is wowing us with her fashion styles.
Here take a look-
1. The actress being a huge fan of comfort outfits, donned a lilac hued pastel-toned tracksuit at the airport.
2. The actress has got a thing for muted shades, and this whole monochromatic pantsuit with a black hat is making her style quotient all killer.
3. When the actress marked grace with her pastel-hued, florally embellished Zimmerman dress along with minimal makeup.
4. The actress often gets spotted styling up pastel-hued tops with denim jeans. And here’s one
5. When the actress marked elegance with her pastel green floral print saree, with matching blouse and accessories.