Talking about the hottest actors in the Bollywood industry, one of the names that we definitely cannot miss out on is Ranbir Kapoor. The actor has a fan base of millions across the country. He comes from a Bollywood family who has contributed to the film industry for several decades now. His parents are Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor and he seems to be following their footsteps just right. We find it amusing how Ranbir has managed to win over the entire country the moment he was first on-screen. He is loved for his amazing acting skills and dialogue delivery.
He debuted in the industry through the movie Sawariya for which he was appreciated for the commendable work he put into it he has also proven his versatility to us on several occasions by playing completely varying roles in movies like Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, Barfi! and Rockstar. The actor is also adored for his sensational looks. Some of his features that we just can’t stop talking about are his dark eyes, smile, his hair and flawless skin. But what we really cannot get our eyes off is his amazing physique. Fans across the country are dying to know his diet and gym routine at this point. The star is also looked up to as a fashion inspiration. He is often seen keeping it classy with layered clothing almost every time we see him, whether it is a casual airport look or a grand red carpet one.
We hope to see Ranbir continuing to prosper and hope for him to keep providing us with some of his sensational looks. Stay tuned with us for more such updates on your favourite celebs.