The daughter of famous actors Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan, Sara Ali Khan is loved and adored by fans all over the nation. The member of the Pataudi family makes sure to turn heads by always arriving in style. She is recognized as an inspiration to many after her commendable transformation. She has graduated from the Columbia University. After graduating, she went on to follow her parents’ footsteps in the Bollywood world. She has played the lead roles in two movies in the year 2018, one being Kedarnath and the other being Simmba.

Both films were very successful and she was appreciated by many for her work in them. She also won a Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut for her role in Kedarnath.  The actress is loved by many across the nation and already has a fan base of her own in such a short period of time. That definitely speaks volumes for how far she is going. Apart from acting, the star is also known for her amazing sense of style. She is often seen playing around with colours and mixing things up. When it comes to accessorizing her outfits, she follows the fashion mantra ‘less is more’. The actress is either seen wearing a monochrome scheme with her clothing or getting all colours mixed up, there is no ‘in between’ and she manages to always get it right.

We hope to see Sara prospering in all fields, including Bollywood and fashion, and being herself and providing us with more to admire. Stay tuned with us for more updates on your favourite celebs.