Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are some of the few Bollywood couples that are open about their feelings for each other. Ranbir, who will be seen in the film Brahmastra with girlfriend Alia, has been outspoken about their relationship, whereas she has been more reserved. It all changed when Ranbir told the Hindustan Times that their love was “holy” to him. Alia not only posted a photo of herself wearing Ranbir’s favorite number 8, but she also captioned it, “To infinity and beyond.”

While she does post images of him and photos taken by him on her Instagram account, this is the closest Alia has gone to recognize her relationship with Ranbir. Ranbir is a football aficionado who is frequently pictured playing with his fraternity pals, always wearing a number 8 jersey. Alia was previously photographed sporting a large Nike, slouchy blue FC Barcelona jacket that appeared to be her beau Ranbir Kapoor’s.

The Sanju actor, who also plays professional football for Mumbai City FC and frequently wears a Barcelona cap and jersey, has his identity on a Nike FC Barcelona (Futbol Club Barcelona) T-shirt. They just look lovely together and give us major couple goals. They unquestionably give us significant couple goals and have mesmerized millions of people with their lovely looks. The couple has never failed to amaze us with their superb chemistry.

Check out the fabulous pictures of Alia Bhatt in Ranbir Kapoor’s T-shirt and stay connected to IWMBuzz.com.