Ananya Panday has now established herself as one of the leading actresses in Bollywood. The Gen Z kid made her Bollywood debut with Dharma Production’s ’Student Of The Year 2’ in 2019. She also starred in ‘Pati Patni Aur Woh’. Her roles in SOTY 2 and Pati Patni Aur Woh earned her Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut.
Just within a short span of time, Ananya is already popular among the fans and has gained a monstrous fan following on social media. Ananya has garnered over 22 million followers on her Instagram handle alone. Ananya was named in The Times Of India’s list of the Most Desirable Women at 37th position in 2019 and 31st in 2020.
Ananya is a real fashion star and often she has proved why her fashion taste is among the best. Her fashion choices are highly praised and loved by fans. Many aspiring influencers look up to her as their role model. Ananya’s Instagram is proof that she is a fashion model.
There is no outfit that she cannot pull off. Every time she drops a picture on social media, her fans go bonkers over her looks. Ananya has always been bold with her fashion game. We can see how much she loves strapless outfits. From strapless tops to strapless gowns, Ananya absolutely loves the trend.
Take a look at some of these strapless tops by Ananya Panday and different ideas to style them.