Alia Bhatt is a mind-blowing actress in Bollywood. She has ruled the industry since her debut film. The actress has achieved a lot of fame and popularity for her amazing roles in her movies. She is very active in the industry and looks damn cute. Ranbir Kapoor is also a popular actor and has become one of the highest-paid actors in the industry. He looks damn hot and has achieved several awards for his amazing films and has given hit films. The actors have a huge number of fans who just love to see them together and also love their work and performances.

They are in a relationship for a very long time and they have publicly announced their relationship status. The couple is also spotted together at several events and functions. They were also seen having fun moments on a trip and they were looking mind-blowing together. They have shown us their cute chemistry and we just can’t stop staring at them for their fabulous looks.

The actors look mindblowing together which makes us fall in love with them. The duo will be observed together in their film Brahmastra. Fans are really excited as this will be their first debut together. The actors are seen twinning together and also posing for candid pictures and they look fabulous. There are several photos of them in which they are seen looking at each other’s faces and look cute. They unquestionably give us significant couple goals and we just love to see them together as they look beautiful.

Check out some cute pictures of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor and stay in space with