MasterChef Telugu is hosted by the stunning Tamannaah Bhatia. She is a true fashionista, and we are completely enamored with her appearance. She wore a black Marchesa gown for the newest episode of Masterchef Telugu. The floral appliques were all over the black mermaid gown. In the dress, Tamannaah looked like a million bucks. Sukriti Grover created her look. The lady looked stunning in the gown, which she styled simply.
The fashion statements made by Tamannaah Bhatia for the presentation have been quite spectacular. Her makeup also appears to be flawless. Pompy Hans was the one who did it. According to, the costume costs around $5,642. When we convert this to Indian rupees, we get Rs 4,15,857.72. The costume is currently on sale, bringing the price down to USD $3,385. As you can see, the gown’s price ranges from lakhs to millions.
We could get a Maruti ALTO or even a Datsun GO for that money. Marchesa is a high-end womenswear company from the United States. Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig launched the company in 2004. The actress is a big fan of Masterchef’s international version. She said, “As someone who has watched and admired the original Masterchef shows, the opportunity to host the show in Telugu is a dream come true.”
Check out the expensive Gown looks of Tamannaah Bhatia and stay connected to