Janhvi Kapoor has a sizable fan base on social media. She made her big Bollywood debut with ‘Dhadak,’ the daughter of late Sridevi and filmmaker Boney Kapoor. The actress has achieved a lot of fame and is rocking the industry with her fabulous talent. She has just impressed us with her amazing acting skills and is achieving more success in her career. She looks damn hot and sassy and has become the most fabulous and hottest-looking Diva of the industry. The actress is very much popular and has a huge fan following.

The actress has shown her eternal love towards her mother, and she is definitely missing her mother, and her mother has inspired her a lot. The actress just gives us superb looks. Sridevi was an iconic star and has given fabulous performances. Sridevi has been an immeasurable loss to us since 2018, and while she is no longer with us, she is certainly not forgotten. This is true for Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, as well as her millions of fans throughout the world.

Janhvi immortalized her mother, a late icon, with a brand new tattoo. Janhvi is shown wincing as a tattoo artist tattoos a piece of her body in a series of photographs and videos posted to Instagram. Anyone who has had a tattoo before will be familiar with the sensation of a needle and ink meeting skin.

Check out the tattoo picture of Janhvi Kapoor and stay in touch with IWMBuzz.com.