Aamir Khan, one of the biggest superstars in Indian cinema, is currently gearing up for his much-anticipated film Sitaare Zameen Par. While shooting in Baroda, Gujarat, Aamir took a break to visit the Statue of Unity on the occasion of India’s 76th Republic Day. The visit to the statue, located near Kevadia, Gujarat, was a heartfelt tribute to the nation and a display of Aamir’s unwavering patriotism. The Statue of Unity, standing at a towering 182 meters (597 feet), is the world’s tallest statue and commemorates the legacy of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, India’s first Deputy Prime Minister and the “Iron Man of India.”

During his visit, Aamir was accompanied by several prominent figures, including Shri Agneeshwar Vyas, IFS, Deputy Conservation of Forests, and Shri Mukesh Puri, IAS, Chairman of the Statue of Unity Area Development and Tourism Governance Authority (SoUADTGA). Shri Udit Agrawal, IAS, CEO of SoUADTGA, and Shri Narayan Madhu, Additional Collector at SoUADTGA, were also present to guide the superstar during his tour. Aamir was provided security and assistance by the Gujarat Police and CISF, who served as his guides for the day.

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934245

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934246

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934247

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934248

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934249

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934250

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934251

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934252

Aamir Khan Celebrates Republic Day with a Visit to the Statue of Unity While Shooting for Sitaare Zameen Par, Check out the Exclusive Images! 934253

Sitaare Zameen Par, is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language sports drama film directed by R. S. Prasanna, and produced by Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao. It is a sequel to Aamir’s 2007 blockbuster Taare Zameen Par.

Aamir Khan is currently gearing up for the theatrical release of ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, set to hit theaters on December 25, starring Aamir Khan alongside Genelia Deshmukh.