Mythri Movie Makers have unveiled the exclusive glimpses for Pushpa 2: The Rule, packed with 20 minutes of new scenes. Released as a tribute around the birthday of the film’s acclaimed director, Sukumar Garu, the video has set the internet abuzz with excitement. The film with the additional scenes will be re-released in theatres on January 17, 2025.

The video showcases the unparalleled swag of Allu Arjun, reprising his role as the iconic Pushpa Raj. With his signature charisma, Allu Arjun captivates viewers, delivering a performance that promises to elevate the film to new heights. The added scenes give fans a deeper glimpse into the intense drama, action-packed sequences, and gripping narrative that Pushpa 2 promises to offer.

Director Sukumar Garu’s vision is evident in every frame, blending raw emotions with high-octane action. The visuals are a testament to his meticulous craftsmanship, with each scene meticulously designed to captivate audiences. The inclusion of these new scenes has heightened expectations, adding more depth to the already intriguing storyline.
Released strategically around Sukumar Garu’s birthday, the video serves as a double celebration—honoring the director’s creative genius and giving fans a thrilling preview of what’s to come. The timing of the release has further fueled the anticipation, making it a trending topic across social media platforms.

Pushpa 2: The Rule, directed by Sukumar and featuring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil. The film is produced by Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings with music on T Series. The film was released on 5th December 2024.