It is a sheer golden moment for National Award-winning director Ram Kamal Mukherjee as the eminent filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker applauded Ram Kamal for his Bengali Magnum Opus Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan. Ashutosh and his wife Sunita Gowariker attended a private screening in Mumbai of the film and felt that this regional cinema from the heartland of Bengal needs to be nationally viewed for larger audiences. He invited Ram Kamal and the leading lady Rukmini Maitra at his Mumbai office and spoke at length about his hurdles while making an unconventional film like Lagaan. In spite of his busy schedule Ashutosh kept in touch with Ram Kamal on every progress of the film. Industry insiders says that Ashutosh Gowariker is planning to host a special screening for his friends and family in Mumbai. The film is scheduled to be released January 24th 2025.
When asking about how he feels after watching Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan Ashutosh says, “To bring the golden era of Bengal’s Theatre to the screen is in the benefit of every generation – Just for that, Ram Kamal Mukherjee needs to be applauded! His direction is poignant, bringing depth and sensitivity to theatre thespian Binodini Dasi ji’s remarkable life. He managed to show Binodini ji’s 70 years life span in a tight narrative. I’m glad that Ram Kamal did not succumb to the market dictates while narrating this epic. Hence, it is pure. Rukmini Maitra’s portrayal of Binodini ji, is captivating. She looks beautiful and dances very well, while delivering a superbly layered performance! The film is a heartfelt tribute to the legacy of Indian theater and its unsung heroes. I wish the entire Cast and Crew of Binodiini, immense success and recognition!”
“Lagaan and Jodha Akbar are two of my best period drama from contemporary Indian cinema, and Ashu sir, will always remain the first Indian filmmaker to take a pure Indian cinema to the Oscars. After the first cut of Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan, I hesitantly approached Ashu sir if he could preview my film. It was an privilege that he agreed and attended the screening at White Apple studios in Mumbai. Suitable bhabhi (Mrs Gwarikar) also attended the screening. Ashu sir and ma’am, both were overwhelmed with the journey of Binodiini Dasi and thankfully they loved the film. He admired that I could create a magical world, and still engage audiences with my narrative. Specially he was hooked with the music composed by Sourendro-Soumyojit. But the biggest takeaway for them was Rukmini Maitra’s performance. Ashu sir mentioned that taking a mammoth film like this on her own shoulder was a task, which even male actors fail. Ashu sir and bhabhi was so pleased with the film that they willingly supported me. They invited Rukmini in Mumbai to convey the message. Ashu sir might host a special screening in Mumbai after national release of the film on January 24th.With the change of name from Star Theatre to Binodini Theatre, after 140 years, Ashu sir feels that this film should be viewed in a different light. Coming from Bengal with a certain budget limitation, the canvas of the film is at par any pan India cinema.” Says director Ram Kamal Mukherjee.
The leading lady of the film Rukmini Maitra says, “It’s an honor to receive such compliment from Ashutosh Gowariker sir for a character that is so close to my heart. When I met him at his office I realized that he had watched the film minutely and his observations were immaculate. I am glad that he feels this film stands a national potential and hence he is willing to lend his support for the film.” Rukmini Maitra made her Bollywood debut as leading lady opposite Vidyut Jamwal in Sanak.
Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan is produced by Bengal superstar Dev Adhikari of Dev Entertainment Ventures and Prateek Chakravorty of Pramod Films in association with Assorted Motion Pictures. The film also starts Rahul Bose as Ranga Babu, Kaushik Ganguly as Girish Ghosh and Chandan Roy Sanyal as Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans. The film has music by Sourendro-Soumyojit, while Shreya Ghoshal, Rekha Bharadwaj , Answesha Datta Gupta and Suchismita Chakraborty renders voice.
Film Synosis and Cast& Crew Details:
Binodini Dasi, the film revolves around the journey of a young girl from the red light area of North Kolkata who dreamt of becoming a theatre star. But her journey towards stardom was not easy, in fact it was as complicated. Though she found a mentor in playwright Girish Chandra Ghosh, who groomed her to become super star Nati Binodini. It wasn’t an easy task for a “fallen woman” like Binodini to get respect in the “babu” society, as people would constantly drag her past, and taint her achievements to keep the flag of male chauvinism high. Binodini fell in love with men, rich and affluent, but they too shied away from giving her the social upliftment (read marriage). From one heart break to another, she dedicated her life for Bengali theatre, at the cost of returning to her old vocation, and compromising with “investor” Gurmukh Rai, who promised her to make a new theatre in her name.
As destiny had it, she was once again ditched by her near ones. Though she was hurt, and bleeding internally, the wound was not visible for anyone barring her own self. Binodini realised that she was chasing a mirage, when she met spiritual guru Shri Ramkrishna Paramhansa after her much talked about show Chaitanya Leela. The devote of Goddess Kali from Dakhineshwar Temple, Ramakrishna, blessed Binodini on stage. That acceptance from Almighty Guru, made her realize that she was chasing fame, while peace lies within. At the age of 24, while she was reigning as “Sygnora” of Bengali theatre, she decided to quit acting.
Binodini’s life deals with the ordeal of women in our society, and brings forth a musical journey of a star who never returned to stardom.