Actor Akshay Oberoi recently confirmed that actress Nayanthara is part of the upcoming film Toxic, following several rumors surrounding her involvement. While speaking about his current project in an interview with The Digital Commentary, Oberoi mentioned that he is currently shooting for the film alongside Rocking Star Yash. When asked by the host about Nayanthara’s presence in the film, Oberoi acknowledged her participation but expressed reluctance to discuss the cast further, stating that doing so might cause issues.
The actor also spoke highly of the film’s director, Geetu Mohandas, explaining that he has been a long-time admirer of her work which include being blown away by films like Liar’s Dice and Moothon. Although Oberoi refrained from diving into specific details about the film’s storyline or other cast members, his confirmation of Nayanthara’s role puts an end to the speculation about her involvement.
Toxic – A Fairly Tale For Grown Ups has generated considerable buzz due to its intriguing cast and the talented team behind it, with fans eager to learn more about the collaboration between Yash, Nayanthara, and Geetu Mohandas. There are rumors that the likes of Kiara Advani and Huma Qureshi are also a part of the film playing key roles, where they have been spotted going for its shoot or coming back but there hasn’t been any official confirmation on it. Toxic is Yash’s much-awaited return to the big screen after the mammoth success of KGF Chapter 2. Oberoi was recently seen in the telefilm, Kisko Tha Pata that premiered directly on Zee Cinema.