National School of Drama, New Delhi has invited the National Award winning director Ram Kamal Mukherjee and the leading lady of his recent Bengali feature film “BInodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan” to their college to promote the film.

National School fo Drama aka NSD was set up in 1959 and later on became an independent school in 1975. Many theatre and silver screen thespian were associated with NSD and many students are still learning the craft of theatre and acting from the prestigious institute and trying to making their mark in the world of theatre, drama, stage and silver screen.

Mr. Chittaranajan Tripathy, dean of NSD has sent an invitation letter to the director and the lead actor and in the history of Bengali regional film this is the first ever invitation with an invitation letter has been sent to any director. In his invitation letter he has mentioned, “On behalf of National School of Drama we are honoured to welcome the director Ram Kamal Mukherjee and Rukmini Maitra for special interaction with the students. It is our great pride in inviting you as our Guest of Honour to celebrate your exemplary work in bringing the legacy and life of Binodini Dasi and the Bengal Theatre to the silver screen.”

The director Ram Kamal Mukherjee and the lead actor Rukmini Maitra were in cloud nine and while quizzing about how he feels, director Ram Kamal Mukherjee says, “This is a huge honour for me and my team Binodiini Ekti Natir Upakhyan, to interact with the students and faculty of the National School of Drama in New Delhi. Binodiini Dasi was an iconic figure from Bengal Theatre, and NSD is the best grooming institution for theatre and performing arts.” This will be the first visit for the actor Rukmini Maitra to NSD.

“For any actor National School of Drama is nothing less than a pilgrimage spot. Every actor wants to be a student of NSD or become talented enough to be a faculty at the campus. Since the film is about India’s first female theatre superstar this is an honour and priviledge to interact with the budding theatre students on our journey. I have been informed by my director Ram Kamal that Seema Biswas ji played Binodiini Dasi in an English play at NSD auditorium. Taking the legacy of Binodiini ahead is a huge responsibility. I thank my director, producers and the entire crew for having faith in me. Binodiini is not just a film for me, it’s a movement, for women empowerment,” says Rukmini Maitra, who made her Bollywood debut in Sanak with Vidyut Jamwal.