Bollywood star Utkarsh Sharma has shared heartfelt anecdotes about working alongside legendary actor Nana Patekar in a recent interview. The two share screen space in the highly anticipated film, which is set to hit theatres on December 20.
In a recent interaction, Utkarsh opened up about his admiration for the 70-year-old star’s professionalism and preparation. Dispelling common misconceptions about Patekar’s reputation for being strict or a disciplinarian, Utkarsh revealed, “He is very professional, first of all. There is this image that he might be strict or a disciplinarian, but he is not like that. He is 70-plus years old and still rehearses and prepares so much for the set. As a junior, you feel that you should step up your game.”
Despite being a stalwart of Indian cinema, Patekar gave the young actor significant creative freedom during the making of Vanvaas. Utkarsh fondly recounted, “Sir was never strict with me. He always gave me creative freedom. He told me to do whatever I wanted to do. On the first day, we had a shoot at Banaras Ghat, and I definitely wanted to ask him what he was thinking about the scene. It was a very chaotic location—no cameras visible, and the technical team was far away. Only sir and I were in the crowd.”
Reflecting on their unique working dynamic, Utkarsh continued, “I asked him what he was thinking about the scene, and he asked me what I was thinking. When I mentioned I was considering trying something specific, he encouraged me and said, ‘Yes, definitely.’ That one moment broke the boundary of junior and senior actors before we even started shooting.”
This camaraderie between the actors adds to the growing excitement for Vanvaas, which promises a gripping story and exceptional performances from both Utkarsh and Nana Patekar.
Directed by Anil Sharma, Vanvaas is poised to showcase Utkarsh Sharma in a challenging role, cementing his place as one of Bollywood’s rising stars.