Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion which opens next Friday is garnering heaps of praise among preview audiences.

Says Kabir, “I hate to say this myself,but it’s a very good film. Very inspirational and entertaining.We have our fingers crossed, but only because our audience is unpredictable. And we have fabulous songs. I am very proud and confident of the film.And this time there is no Omicron to spoil things.”

On June 5 army personnel saw the first official preview of Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion, the moving inspiring bio-pic on Murlikant Petkar who was a jawan of the craftsman rank in the Corps of Electronics & Mechanical Engineers in the Indian army.Petkar was disabled during the 1965 war against Pakistan, sustaining severe bullet wounds.

There was not a dry eye among those brave soldiers who watched the film on June 5 about the valour of one of their own.

Says Kabir Khan, “There’s a new rule in which, for any film that depicts the Indian army you have to get a NOC from the army before you can apply for the censor certificate. At the time of that screening the army officers were so emotionally moved by the film that they said they must organize a screening for the chief of Army staff. June 5 was that screening. The entire top brass of the Indian army saw the film and felicitated Murlikant Petkar It’s great to see the top Generals of the army salute a mere Jawan for his achievements.”

Special words of praise were lavished by the army men on Kartik Aaryan who plays Murlikant Petkar.Says Kabir, “It was a very emotional moment. Kartik’s performance resonated with the army men who watched the film.”