Kartik Aaryan took to his social media handles today to share a special video in honor of India’s Army Day. The actor, known for his stellar performances in films like Chandu Champion and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, surprised his fans with an unexpected yet heartwarming gesture, dancing alongside a group of Indian soldiers.

In the video, Kartik is seen joining a group of army personnel in a spirited and joyous dance, celebrating the unwavering dedication and courage of the Indian Armed Forces. Dressed in a simple, casual outfit, the actor beams with energy as he grooves with the soldiers to a lively track, creating a moment of unity and camaraderie.

Sharing the video on his social media handle, he wrote, “Salute to the real Champions of the Nation🫡🇮🇳The feeling of being amongst you, bringing smiles and joy to your faces, and portraying you all in uniform on screen is unparalleled! #ArmyDay ❤️Happy Army Day.”

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Fans and followers were quick to express their appreciation for the actor’s gesture, calling it a beautiful way to honor the armed forces. Army Day, celebrated every year on January 15, marks the day when General K. M. Cariappa took over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in 1949. By sharing this personal moment with the soldiers, Kartik Aaryan not only showed his admiration for the military but also spread a message of respect, gratitude, and unity..