Kartik Aaryan, who garnered massive acclaim for his nuanced performance in the highly acclaimed film Chandu Champion, recently shared a heartfelt behind-the-scenes story from the film that resonated with fans and critics alike. During an interview, the actor, who has proven his ability to portray complex emotions, opened up about a deeply emotional moment during the making of the film that left both him and the entire cast in tears.

In a post on social media, Kartik Aaryan shared a touching video, saying, “One of my most memorable scenes from the film. Just a little BTS story, I know how much y’all like those.” The interview video revealed an intimate behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of Chandu Champion, particularly highlighting a pivotal moment during the iconic Jana Gana Mana sequence.

As Kartik recalled, the filming of this sequence was nothing short of emotional, both for him and the crew. He explained, “So we shot the first shot of ‘Jana Gana Mana,’ the National Anthem, which in the film is the ‘Sarphira’ BGM, where Murikanth has won the race. And when the National Anthem played, and it was our first shot, everyone forgot to cut because everyone got so emotional.”

Kartik went on to describe how the emotional weight of the moment overcame him: “I was crying and those tears were because he finally won. And we started the film with that emotion.”

The actor also revealed how director Kabir Khan had initially suggested using glycerin for the shot to help bring out the tears. However, Kartik was adamant that the emotion had to come naturally. He recalled, “I remember Kabir sir asking me to use glycerine for the shot and I told him ‘I don’t use glycerine, it doesn’t help me at all. I will do it. Let me get into the thought. I was on the wheelchair, on the podium, and I remember it being a very emotional moment for me where everyone was in happy tears”. His commitment to the authenticity of the scene paid off, as the resulting moment was one of the most emotional in the entire film.

View Instagram Post 1: Kartik Aaryan Reveals a Touching Behind-the-Scenes Moment from 'Chandu Champion' That Left Everyone in Tears

This behind-the-scenes revelation gives fans a glimpse into the intense emotional preparation and personal connection that went into the making of Chandu Champion. Kartik Aaryan’s honesty and vulnerability about his journey in the film have only endeared him further to audiences, making Chandu Champion one of his most impactful roles to date.