Loveyapa, starring Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor, is generating massive buzz as it marks its theatrical debut. The excitement skyrocketed after the release of its trailer and hit tracks like “Rehna Kol” and the title song. Adding to the film’s allure, the makers have unveiled another masterpiece, “Kaun Kinna Zaroori Si”. This soulful ballad has quickly become the heartbreak anthem of the year, beautifully capturing the pain of love and longing. With its raw, relatable lyrics and poignant melody, the song strikes an emotional chord with fans. Netizens are showering praise on social media, lauding the song’s depth, moving music, and the duo’s powerful performances.
Bhai kya lyrics hai🫶🏻 Ekdum hit hogaya hai gaana dil par❤️
Ye film ke liye ab ruka nahi ja raha, itna pyaar, masti dard sab hai!! itne time ke baad itni excitement hai for some rom-com 🫰🏻🫰🏻
#KaunKinnaZarooriSi + Junaid + Khushi = Perfect Heartbreak Anthem!😭❤️
My feelings have a voice, i feel! In love with #KaunKinnaZarooriSi 😭❤️
Loveyapa, set in the realm of modern romance, offers a heartwarming tale enriched with unforgettable performances, lively music, and breathtaking visuals. Celebrating love in all its shades, the film is poised to resonate with audiences of all ages. Loveyapa is poised to be one of 2025’s most exciting cinematic offerings. Mark your calendars for 7th February 2025 to embark on this enchanting journey of love!