The actor director duo of Vidyut Jammwal and Vipul Amrutlal Shah has always delivered action extravaganzas on screen. While Vipul Amrutlal Shah brings his creative vision, Vidyut Jammwal’s ability to perform all his stunts and action sequences himself makes the films even more appealing, thrilling, and action-packed. Every time this duo comes together on screen, they guarantee a power-packed action experience and a box-office blockbuster. One of their high-octane action spectacles, Sanak, completes 3 years today. So, Let’s take a look at their other films where they delivered action-packed cinematic spectacles to the audience.


With Force, Vipul Amrutlal Shah cast Vidyut Jammwal as a powerful antagonist opposite John Abraham. This was probably the first time the world witnessed Vidyut’s extraordinary action skills, leaving everyone spellbound. From combat scenes to hand-to-hand fights to intense chase sequences, the film was packed with high-octane action.

Commando: A One Man Army

Commando was a groundbreaking action spectacle where this producer-actor duo launched a whole new action franchise. The film was adored by audiences and left a distinct mark in the Bollywood action genre. Vidyut was perfectly suited for the action sequences, and he successfully led the Commando franchise forward with Commando 2: The Black Money Trail and Commando 3.


Sanak marked yet another collaboration between Vipul Amrutlal Shah and Vidyut Jammwal. Packed with intense action, the film showcased Vidyut’s expertise in MMA as he engaged in tough fight scenes. As the film completes 3 years since its release, it’s safe to say that it remains a one-of-a-kind action spectacle that has yet to be replicated.