Kantara, a film produced by Hombale Films, was released in 2022 and set new standards of success. The story, set in the heartlands of India, garnered global recognition and made a lasting impact on audiences. Rishab Shetty, who wrote, acted in, and directed the film, received critical acclaim and praise from renowned personalities and dignitaries around the world. Today marks a special day in the journey of Kantara, as the film celebrates its first anniversary since release. The makers of the film are taking this opportunity to express their gratitude to all those who supported and appreciated their work.
On the occasion of Kantara completing 1 year, Hombale Films took to their social media and shared an enthralling poster featuring Rishab Shetty. They further jotted down the caption –
“Celebrating one year of the Divine Blockbuster – #Kantara ❤️🔥
We will always cherish this very special film and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible audience who turned it into an epic blockbuster. Thank you for an unforgettable year.
The jubilations continue to reverberate throughout the country and we’re thrilled to continue this epic journey together!
#1YearOfDivineBlockbusterKantara #1YearOfKantara”
Kantara, a global blockbuster from Hombale Films, is not only a box office success, but it also won two Oscars and has the highest ranking on the IMDb list.
Apart from this, Rishab is currently working on the next part of his global blockbuster “Kantara”, which is going to be a prequel. Additionally, Hombale Films is currently developing the storyline for this upcoming movie and we cannot wait to see how this talented storyteller will captivate us with yet another interesting and engaging plot.