Renowned Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, known for his impeccable directorial skills in films like Mumbai Police and How Old Are You, had an emotional moment recently when he met the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, the iconic superstar of Indian cinema. Andrews, who has always admired Bachchan’s work, expressed his profound feelings of awe and gratitude after shaking hands with the megastar.
In a heartfelt social media post, he revealed the significance of this encounter, stating, “I grew up watching this man… for me, he was Indian cinema… Had come very close to meeting him several times… And… today… I shook hands with the biggest star the country has seen. Told him my first Hindi movie ‘Deva’ is releasing 31st of January. He gave me his blessings. From now on, I will mark December 4th as one of the most important days of my life… The day I met Amitabh Bachchan!”
Directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, and produced by Zee Studios and Siddharth Roy Kapur, Deva brings superstar Shahid Kapoor back to screen after a gap of almost one year. The film also features Pooja Hegde and Pavail Gulati.
Packed with gripping performances and a storyline designed to keep audiences at the edge of their seats, Deva is set to be an unforgettable cinematic experience. Don’t miss this big-screen spectacle—and mark your calendars for January 31st, 2025!