Salman Khan’s upcoming film Sikandar has been in the headlines ever since its announcement. The makers recently unveiled the first-look poster, which created a stir across the nation. While the team was gearing up for the teaser launch, they have now Rescheduled it to respect the final journey of our former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. The teaser will now be released on December 28th at 4:05 PM.

The makers announced the delay in the teaser launch of Sikandar on their social media, writing the caption:

“As the nation pays tribute to the Honourable Dr. Manmohan Singh, we have rescheduled the #Sikandar Teaser launch to 4:05 PM Tomorrow.

In this time of reflection and respect, we stand united with the nation. We appreciate your patience and understanding- the teaser will be worth the wait!🙏


Team Sikandar, In respect of the final journey of our former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, delays the teaser launch to 4:05 PM! 930689

Salman Khan is set to return on Eid 2025 with Sikandar, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by AR Murugadoss.