Ever since Hombale Films and Kleem Productions announced the animated mythological drama Mahavatar Narsimha audiences have been on the edge of their seats to witness the epic. Today on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, the makers unveiled the teaser for their animated mythological drama, sparking immense excitement. This epic marks the first installment in the Mahavatar series, set to explore the timeless tales of Lord Vishnu’s avatars from Indian puranas. The visually stunning teaser has captivated audiences, leaving netizens in awe and praising its grandeur on social media.

Here’s how netizens reacted,
A netizen wrote, “#MahavatarNarsimha@hombalefilms The best Teaser I have ever seen With the right mix of cultural elements, mythology, and engaging storytelling, India could create masterpieces that appeal to all age groups”


A tweet read, “I can already see the joy on people’s faces when this scene hits theaters! 🌟 I’ve always believed that our ancient scriptures and stories hold immense potential, if presented authentically. Here’s hoping this movie does justice to it! #MahavatarNarsimha”


“I didn’t expected this!! From Hombale Production Houses The 3d Animated Film Of God Narsimha 🙏 And Good Think is Its not Cheap Just look at Quality of Animation😳 Dubbing And Creation Of World…Looks Intense And I got goosebumps💥#Hombalefilms #MahavatarNarsimha #Narsimha,” read a fan’s tweet.


“#MahavatarNarsimha will be gone be great Animation Movie of Indian Cinema. The Animation in teaser very good. Every Character in this teaser is nice animated. Everyone should checkout this teaser on YouTube 👇#MahavatarNarsimhaTeaser,” read another fans’ tweet.


Mahavatar Narsimha is directed by Ashwin Kumar and produced by Shilpaa Dhawan, Kushal Desai, and Chaitanya Desai under the banner of Kleem Productions. In collaboration with Hombale Films, known for their compelling content, this dynamic partnership aims to deliver a cinematic marvel across various entertainment platforms. With its unmatched visual grandeur, cultural richness, cinematic excellence, and storytelling depth, the film will also be released in 3D and in five Indian languages.