In anticipation of the theatrical release of ‘Ramayana : The Legend of Prince Rama’ in India, the official account of the anime film (©️ TEM Co., Ltd.) took fans on a nostalgic journey through their social media pages, recalling the memories of the original makers of the Japanese anime adaptation of Valmiki’s epic.
Koichi Sasaki from Japan, who co-directed the film along with legendary Indian animator Ram Mohan, recalled the creativity and effort that went into this production. “We are proud of the high level of animation that was achieved, including movement, timing, and character expressions… A film is not only about the visuals. It’s only with sound and lively dialogue that a film shines. The sound for this film was created 100% in India. I feel it’s a wonderful sound of the best of India. I cannot help but respect the many musicians and actors in India”. He went on to add, “I would be more than happy if many people in India think, “This is my favorite Ramayana !””
The film also holds a significant place in the filmography of Ram Mohan, the father of Indian animation. His son Kartik Mohan called the film “an epic undertaking”, whose theatrical release in India is going to be “a landmark achievement in the cinematic histories of both India and Japan.” He also added, “As Shri Ram Mohan’s son, I can only say that I wish my father had lived to see this moment—in a long and illustrious career, it would have been one of his proudest.”
The film was conceived by the late Japanese filmmaker Yugo Sako, who was drawn to this epic during one of his visits to India. “Hanuman flying through the air, uprooting a mountain, the bravery of Garuda, the valour of Ram and Lakshman, the epic battle they fought…these things thrilled me. They are the stuff of universal myth, the fabric of legend.”, said Sako in an earlier interview. Legendary composer Vanraj Bhatia was behind the iconic music of this anime film.
‘Ramayana : The Legend of Prince Rama’ will be distributed theatrically in India by Geek Pictures India along with AA Films and Excel Entertainment. The film is set for a 4K release in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on January 24th, 2025.