Produced by Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment, Advait Chandan’s Loveyapa has generated immense excitement since its announcement, marking the highly anticipated theatrical debut of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor. Amidst the growing buzz for the film, the makers have released an absolutely romantic song, the Loveyapa Title Track. Featuring the fresh pairing of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor, the song has truly become the love anthem of the year, winning the hearts of audiences everywhere. Perfectly resonating with youth and Gen-Z audiences, the song has created a stir, with netizens flooding social media with their raving reviews.

Here’s how netizens are raving about the Loveyapa Title Track –

“Oh god! Those wonderful days from 90s are back it seems!! Kushi and Junaid are so Aamir Khan and Sridevi coded. 😭❤️‍🔥🫶🏻”

“Did I just watch Sridevi and Aamir Khan romancing on screen?? Love it !! This is totally Loveyappaaaa 🫶🏻❤️‍🔥🥺

“L O V E Yapaaaaa!! It’s funny how Junaid has such a crazy sense of humour! Did he just play Laal Singh Chaddha 😂🫶🏻”

“I can smell REEELSyappaa from far for this song! Can not wait to see the internet’s take on this song.✨🫶🏻”

Loveyapa, set in the realm of modern romance, offers a heartwarming tale enriched with unforgettable performances, lively music, and breathtaking visuals. Celebrating love in all its shades, the film is poised to resonate with audiences of all ages. Loveyapa is poised to be one of 2025’s most exciting cinematic offerings. Mark your calendars for 7th February, 2025 to embark on this enchanting journey of love.