Politician Smriti Irani, presenting the Best Actress award to another female force Yami Gautam Dhar at a recent Newsmakers Awards event in New Delhi. On the stage, she expressed heartfelt words that resonated with the actress’s remarkable journey in the industry. Smriti said, “It is often said about actors that when their public performance comes in front, there’s less pretense and more of their glamour. And since I have been in the media for over two decades, for me, when I see a public persona like Yami, who gracefully, with depth and of course, as an actor, spends her year while balancing glamour with something meaningful, it feels like a good year when I see both of us on this stage.” Yami was recognised for her incredible and defining performance in this year’s film of the year ’Article 370’. This is not the first time the female powerhouse’s performance is being hailed but these works definitely reflect upon how Yami continues to redefines stardom in her own way while shouldering films to success, in people’s hearts and at the box office.

Sharing the picture on social media, Yami wrote, “Grateful to receive this honour for ‘Article 370’ from @abpnewstv ! ❤This award is dedicated to our audience & every member of our team who worked so hard to make this film happen! 😇🙏🏻”

Yami Gautam Dhar continues to leave a significant impact in Bollywood with her performances, year on year. After the success of Article 370, where she portrayed a powerful role shedding light on a crucial subject, Yami received immense love and appreciation. Her exceptional portrayal in the film earned her the Best Actress award at a recent award show, marking a major milestone in her career.

2024 has proven to be a year of triumph for Yami, not only because of her professional success but also as she embraced motherhood, a truly joyous chapter in her life. Her growth as an actress, alongside personal milestones, continues to make waves in the industry.

Looking ahead, Yami’s future is filled with promise, with her exciting project Dhoom Dhaam ready to add another remarkable chapter to her career.