Ananya Panday always tries to look different and attractive in terms of fashion and style. She made her acting debut with the Bollywood sequel film Student Of The Year 2 and became famous. She has worn many colors of outfits but she has always rocked in yellow outfits especially in lehenga because it is a bright and dazzling color. She was observed in a yellow bodycon outfit for party wear and was looking fantastic.
Once she was snapped in a black blouse and yellow ruffle skirt in an award function and made her fans drool over her for fabulous looks. She nailed the yellow floral short dress for her beach outfit look. The actress is seen wearing a lehenga for a festive look and it was a comfortable and marvelous-looking lehenga.
She was snapped wearing yellow outfits for daily wear as well as for the gym. Mostly she tries to wear yellow outfits for festivals or event functions which make her look different from other actresses and get the attention of her fans towards her and fans love her stylish looks. The fashion sense of the star is just fab. She is seen giving the hottest looks and styles her outfits perfectly.
Check out the yellow outfits of Ananya Panday and stay in touch with