Aishwariya Rai and her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan have always given us mother-daughter goals whenever papped in public. However, while we definitely go awed with the duo’s bond on camera, what keeps the netizens wondering is why Aishwarya never lets go of her daughter’s hand and even sometimes carry her when walking. While some call her ‘overprotective’, here’s what Rai has to say about it.

Talking about why she always carries Aaradhya Bachchan by her side, Aishwarya has got the most emotional reason for always shadowing her daughter. In an interview, she said, “Aaradhya has seen it (the limelight) since birth and I would like to think she is used to it. At one point when we were walking, she was in a great mood, even as people clicked pictures. She was laughing and saying something funny. But when Aaradhya saw these people (photographers) coming, she just wanted to stop in her tracks and squat on the floor. I knew it was time for me to pick her up. I just wanted everyone to be safe, including my child.”

She also added, “When people started caving in, I had to pick her up because she is too tiny to handle all that. I had to steer my way through the crowd. It is just a protective instinct, I keep her close.” as stated in ETimes. Well, we agree with Aishwarya Rai here, it’s just a mother being protective of her child, and there’s nothing to really find it even remotely bizarre!

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