Sabyasachi Mukherji, the star fashion designer has been the top-notch choice for Indian adorns amongst the celebrities. Starting from wedding to attending award functions we have witnessed several Bollywood stars in stellar Sabyasachi couturiers and saying that here we have shared Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra and Karisma Kapoor’s brilliant stances in organza Sabyasachi nine-yard.
Alia Bhatt
The time Alia Bhatt wore a perfect red organza saree, from the shelf of Sabyasachi. The actress teamed the intricate piece with a sleek hairbun, golden jewellery and minimal makeup.
Priyanka Chopra
When PeeCee donned a stellar salmon-pink embellished organza saree designed by Sabyasachi. The diva picked up retro glasses and a classic low hair bun to complete the look.
Karisma Kapoor
The time when Karisma Kapoor wowed in a gorgeous black embellished organza saree along with a matching strappy blouse. The diva teamed it with sleek hairbun and minimal makeup.