The cutie of Bollywood, Alia Bhatt, is soon going to be Mom. The actress is gearing up with her upcoming film Brahmastra and was recently seen in her film Darlings. The diva is gaining a lot of love from the fans for her mind-blowing roles. She has given several hit films like Gangubai, Highway, Student Of The Year, Udta Punjab, and Raazi. The diva has appeared in numerous films and has received a lot of fame for her work. She fits perfectly in any role given.
The actress shared some mind-blowing stories on her Instagram. She just looked lovely and rocked the outfit with her style. The fashion cues of the actress are superb. She wore a Chanel-designed black top with uniquely designed denim jeans. She styled her outfit perfectly, giving us major fashion goals. She wore small gold hoop earrings and nailed them incredibly. The glowing face of the mommy-to-be has stolen our attention, and we can’t stop gushing over her.
Alia Bhatt gave stunning poses and looked damn hot. The diva is a fashion queen, and many fans grab some style cues from the actress to look lovely. The stylish looks of the actress have made us fall in love with her. We eagerly wait to see her in a new outfit, and she always rocks every outfit with her style. The denim of the actress had colourful bands that made her look stunning and attractive.
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