The Pushpa actor Allu Arjun completes two decades in the film industry. The popular and one of the most celebrated south actors took to his social media handles to share a note of gratitude as he completes 20 years in the industry. The actor shared a special overwhelming message on his Instagram and Twitter, where he asserted how blessed he feels to be able to come this far. He said he is grateful to the industry people and also thanked his audience and fans, asserting that it is because of them, he has reached where he is today.
Today, I complete 20 years in the film industry. I am extremely blessed & have been showered with love . I am grateful to all my people from the industry . I am what I am bcoz of the love of the audience, admirers & fans . Gratitude forever šš½
ā Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) March 28, 2023
Allu Arjun took to his official Twitter handle and wrote, āToday, I complete 20 years in the film industry. I am extremely blessed & have been showered with love . I am grateful to all my people from the industry . I am what I am bcoz of the love of the audience, admirers & fans . Gratitude forever ??ā
Soon after the Pushpa actor shared the note of gratitude on his Twitter, fans showered love for the actor. One wrote, āCongrats Allu bhai for completing Vanquishing 20 years as an actor , and thank you for entertaining us every time, and keep inspiring us like you always doā
Another wrote, āCongratulations mALLU ARJUNā¦ waiting for #PushpaTheRuleā. The wishes gushed in on Twitter. Allu Arjun also took to his Instagram handle to share the note with his fans as he completed 20 years in the industry later. Itās definitely a moment of pride and celebration for all Allu Arjun fans. And we wish the actor completes another array of decades in the industry, catering us with his good work like he does.