One of the biggest celebrities in India is Allu Arjun. The Telugu actor recently visited New York, where he participated in the India Day parade, one of the US’s most well-known yearly events hosted by the Indian diaspora. Additionally, he met Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York, and taught him the Pushpa hand brush signature motion. Allu posted photos of himself and the mayor on his Instagram account along with a touching message. Allu Arjun posted pictures of his meeting with New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

The actor posted the images on his Instagram feed and captioned his post, “It was a pleasure meeting the Mayor of New York City. Very Sportive Gentleman. Thank You for the Honours, Mr. Eric Adams. Thaggede Le ! @ericadamsfornyc @nycmayorsoffice.” Allu appears in the pictures looking sharp in a black suit. His tricolor pocket square has captured our attention. Allu and Eric can be seen in the second image striking the well-known Pushpa’s hand pose, and they looked stunning together. Allu Arjun is a dapper-looking star and has become a favorite of all.

He enjoys a massive fan following and amazes us with his superb acting skills. The actor is a talented star and has astonished us with his superb acting and dancing skills. In addition, the star sizzles the industry with his classy and sassy looks and gives us major fashion goals. The meeting with the New York mayor of the actor has made his fans proud. The star was also featured at Fun Times on Times Square In New York and has shared selfies on his Instagram story. The actor always makes his fans proud and happy with his achievements. They are happy to see him becoming successful in his career.

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