Ananya Panday, Alia Bhatt, and Tara Sutaria are three of the most admired and talented, dazzling divas in the Hindi entertainment industry. All three of them interestingly have an ‘SOTY’ connection. While Alia was the leading lady of SOTY in 2012, Ananya and Tara were launched as the female leads of the sequel by Karan Johar in 2019 and ever since then, they never really looked back. All three of them visibly have a common love for satin sleeve outfits, much to the delight of their audience.

Ananya can be seen rocking the high-chic vibe with perfection in minimalistic makeup and accessory style and that’s what we are loving the most.

Alia, on the other hand, likes her look to be a little loud and ‘OTT’ and no wonder, she looks like a bombshell in the true sense of the term.

Last, but certainly not the least, we have Tara who’s looking like an absolute barbie doll in her satin sleeve avatar and we are totally drooling seeing her expressions. Want to see and admire them yourself? Take a look below –

Absolutely amazing right? Let us know your views in the comments below and for more updates, stay tuned to