Janhvi Kapoor the talented young actor has been one refreshing find in Bollywood. Sridevi and Boney Kapoor’s daughter is bagging some prized projects, and all eyes are on her, on whether she will take her mother’s acting mantle forward in a big way or not!!

Well, Janhvi who is a style icon is very social media friendly. She uses Instagram as her friend and puts up posts and pictures whenever she feels like. And when she is out of vacations, Instagram is a mode through which she expresses herself.

Recently, she was on a trave spree and she put up amazing pictures of all the places that she visited. Frankly speaking, these travel posts of Janhvi can aid as a travel guide for the layman too. A report on idiva.com talked about it and we take reference from that story for our write up here.

Janhvi recently travelled to the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur.

Janhvi was recently seen bringing in her 25th birthday with a visit to Tirupati temple.

She looks cool in the backdrop of Ooty.

And here she is on a hiking spree!!

Are you admiring her travel sense?