Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor has been a busy man all through the pandemic phase. We saw his film Sandeep aur Pinky Faraar releasing this year in March. Arjun has been one actor who has been shooting during the pandemic phase. He is eagerly waiting for the release of his film Ek Villain Returns, which is the sequel of Ek Villain that came in 2014.

Post the second lockdown, Arjun is waiting to get back to work and he is eager to see that day soon. In a report on Free Press Journal, Arjun Kapoor has been quoted talking about the same and we take reference from that story for ours here.

“I am slightly prepared this time. But I am a little more impatient to get back to work. The last time there was a lockdown, there was a fear of the unknown. But now it is getting to me,” shares Arjun.

“There comes a stage in an actor’s life where one has to walk the path less travelled to make a different kind of mark and, for me, SAPF will always be that film. I’m grateful for the love that the film and my character are getting. I was like an apprentice under Dibakar for three months before we started shooting, and it definitely shows in the film. He has extracted the best out of me, and I will be indebted to him for his belief,” says the actor whose other films Sardar Ka Grandson also premiered on an OTT platform recently.

Well-said, Arjun!!