Ananya Panday, the young Bollywood diva, keeps her fans updated with her social media post. The actress has now brightened screens with her sunny personality in latest pictures from the Maldives. Sharing the images, Ananya Panday said, “Literally chased this sunset (and caught it).”
In the pictures, Ananya was dressed perfectly for the moment as she was seen in a sunny yellow midi dress with white floral prints and beachy waves. Ananya kept her makeup minimal, letting the natural sun-kissed glow add all the charm to her look. Check below!
One of the most renowned faces of the industry, Ananya has a great sense of style and fashion. Ananya’s versatile characters and her looks are loved by the fans. But the fans are also in awe of her personal dynamic yet stylish looks. She has always wowed us with her grand fashion choices, her well-toned body and her acting flairs.
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Image Credit: Instagram