Dada Kondke, a comedian, actor, and filmmaker, was one of the most renowned personalities in the Marathi film industry, famous for his double-entendre dialogues in movies. Kondke was born into a family that owned a grocery shop and owners of chawls in the Morbaug area of Mumbai, which were let out. His family members were also foreman-handling millworkers at Bombay Dyeing.
Dada Kondke entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the most films (nine) that achieved the silver jubilee (running for 25 consecutive weeks). Dada Kondke grew ambitious and took to producing, directing, and acting in Hindi films with his Kind titles like “Tere Mere Beech Mein,” “Kholde Zabaam Meri,” and “Aage Ki Soch” with stars like Mehmood and Amjad Khan who were his die-hard fans.
He will always be remembered for the Kind of humor he brought into the Marathi film industry, with his perfect timing for comedy in almost every film he performed right from the days of ‘Songadya‘ in 1971 to ‘Vajavu Ka‘ in 1995. For 25 years, he entertained his fans in Marathi and Hindi.
His journey is truly inspirational!
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