The queen of Bollywood Deepika Padukone has set the internet on fire. The actress took to Instagram and shared her smoking hot look in red Chanel top and a pair of latex Balenciaga pants as she stepped out for brunch with actor-hubby Ranveer Singh.
The diva is donning the red top that came with exaggerated sleeves which ended in ruffled cuffs. Both the cuffs and the dramatic high neck sported smocked style that added to the hotness quotient of the baggy top. Deepika paired it with latex skin tight black pants that flaunted her slender legs and exuded a sultry faux leather look.
She completed her attire with a pair of black pointed-toe stilettos. Deepika pulled back her luscious tresses into a stylish braided knot to flaunt a pair of golden chain-link earrings. Wearing a dab of brown lipgloss, the actor amplified the glam quotient with highlighted cheeks, kohl-lined eyes that were well-defined with black eyeliner streaks, brown eye shadow and filled-in eyebrows. Check below!
Image Credit: Instagram