Saif Ali Khan back in 2013 suffered a heart attack. The doctors at the Lilavati Hospital, where the actor was admitted, revealed that the reason behind Saif Ali Khan’s excessive chest pain is his habit of chain-smoking. As Hindustan Times states, “Khan was admitted at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Bandra’s Lilavati Hospital on Sunday night after he complained of severe uneasiness in the chest. An angiography (diagnostic test) and ECG was done on Sunday night.”
Dr Vijay Bang, who had headed the team treating politician Pramod Mahajan after he was shot, said: “Problems like hypertension and high blood pressure are related to stress. And the commonest fallout is that people take to heavy smoking, which adds to stress and enhances the blockage of the arteries.” as quoted by Hindustan Times.
Saif Ali Khan was only 36 back then when he got a severe heart attack.
On the work front, the actor earned praise with his stud look in Vikram Vedha as Vikram. The actor also got praises from Hrithik Roshan, who specially took it to his social media, to appreciate the Sacred Games actor.