In this picture, Kajol wore a bold plain red saree with u-cut borders for her upcoming South film. She paired the saree with a matching U-neckline sleeveless blouse. While the diva accessorized her look with long green, intricately designed earrings and plain red bangles in hand. Additionally, she completed her look with winged eyeliner, kajal, blushy cheeks, and creamy red lipstick. The Dilwale actress looked breathtakingly gorgeous in the red saree.
On the other hand, Baahubali actress Ramya Krishnan wore a similar red saree paired with a matching blouse. Making it different from the diva accessorized her look with long earrings, gold and motif bangles, and a hand ring. While smokey eyes, blushed cheeks and red lipstick rounded up her look. To make her look stylish, she kept her hair loose, flying in her hair.
Comparing both beauty queen Kajol and Ramya Krishnanโs glimpse of magic in the red saree. The only difference was that Kajol opted for different accessories than Ramya Krishnan. However, they nailed their look. Undoubtedly, both divas can slay their fashion.
Kajol and Ramya Krishnan have been divas who have given some amazing appearances on-screen; for example, Kajolโs Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Ramyaโs Bahubali.
Certainly, you loved the red saree style. So which style did you like, Kajol or Ramya Krishnan? Share your choice in the comments section below. Follow for updates about your favorite.