Zendaya likes this pasta dish with avocado

This year, the actress Zendaya cut her index finger while attempting to cook. She is a rookie in the kitchen. Nevertheless, she said in a Vogue interview that she cooked Avocado Pasta with just a few simple ingredients and an avocado sauce, and it was so wonderful that it gave her confidence in her cooking abilities.

The Recipe

If you have the avocado sauce prepared, this pasta, which is really simple to make and packed with benefits, can be made in only 15 minutes.

Ingredients Needed

2 cups of penne pasta, 2 ripe avocados, 1/2 cup of basil leaves, 4 garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 50 ml of olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste, and 2 to 3 cups of water.

Step 1

Heat up some water in a pan over medium heat. Add the pasta to the pot once it has boiled, along with a little salt and olive oil to taste. Once the spaghetti is well-stirred, drain it.

Step 2

After the pasta has finished boiling, drain it and let it cool slightly before adding the avocado sauce.

Step 3

Let’s begin making the avocado sauce. Scoop out the avocado fruit and place it in a bowl for the same.

Step 4

Place the avocado fruit in a food processor along with the basil leaves, garlic cloves that have been peeled, and lemon juice. To prepare the avocado sauce, combine all the ingredients in a blender.

Step 5

In this avocado sauce, add salt and pepper to taste. When the oil is emulsified, add more olive oil and mix once more.

Step 6

Finally, add the cooked pasta to a mixing bowl. Sprinkle a little salt to taste and then add the avocado sauce. To enhance the flavor of the pasta meal, you can also add a little spinach and cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!