Shahid Kapoor took to his Instagram account and shared a picture flaunting his bare skin in the sunny weather. The actor is a fitness freak and often flexes his picturesque body on his Instagram account. At the same time, fans love him flaunting his charm. Shahid opted to go shirtless oozing hotness in sunny weather with a sun-kissed picture. In addition, the black glares and oxidized chain grabbed attention. But his power in hand muscles stole the show.
Shahid captioned it, “Gettin that Vit D,” as he took the benefits of nature lying under the sun. As the Kabir Singh actor shared the post, it accumulated more than 4 lakhs likes. In comparison, the compelling picture was irresistible for many fans, who ended up commenting.
Here check out comments on Shahid Kapoor’s latest post
One user wrote, “Shahid sir please apply sunscreen; otherwise you will go to a black post…..”
The other wrote, “Vitamin S “Shahid” is better than Vitamin D.”
“Why so hot Mr. Kapoor ??,” said the third person praising Shahid’s hotness.
The fourth said, “Nah that caption is SUS champ .”
“Chest ke bal se zyada bagal k bal bade h thoda inpe b dhyn dediya karo sir,” said the fifth.
Shahid Kapoor On Work Front:
The Kabir Singh actor Shahid Kapoor will be next featured in the web series Farzi, Bloody Daddy, and Bull in 2023. It is exciting to watch the actor again in some great new roles.
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