Vidya Balan has been keeping it quite active on her social media lately. Grooving on the latest beats and playing around with the latest filters on Instagram reels, the finest actress of Bollywood has now shared a hilarious fun reel on her social media as she packs up for Monday shooting. The diva was spotted riding back to her home, in her car.

In the video, we could spot Vidya Balan in a cute balloon sleeved, floral midi dress. The actress teamed the look with wavy messy curly hairdo, minimal makeup and all smiles. The actress was on her back car seat, while she couldn’t hold back her excitement in the moment as she packs up for shooting on this day.

She wrote, “Monday done. Ghar jao” in the caption.

Take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Ghar Jao: Vidya Balan can’t hold her excitement as she packs up for Monday, watch

A fan wrote, “why don’t you post these on mornings…?By seeing your energy on mornings makes our day better”

Another wrote, “This is why Vidya’s awesome. What a woman.”