The television executive has reportedly apologized for referring to Emilia Clarke as a “short, dumpy girl,” according to Fox News. According to the Australian news source Crikey, Foxtel CEO Patrick Delany allegedly made obscene comments to the audience on Tuesday at the Sydney, Australia, premiere of House of the Dragon, the HBO show’s spinoff series. The Australian television producer addressed his sentiments surrounding a pivotal incident in the Game of Thrones opening episode and how he was late to start watching the iconic show, in which Clarke portrayed Daenerys Targaryen.

According to the site, Delany’s remark was reportedly not well received by the audience. An audience member told Crikey, “It felt like he was expecting us to laugh along, but people in the room were plainly stunned by it.” There was a little gasp, according to a different participant. According to Crikey, he stated, “I was like, ‘What’s this show with the short, dumpy female walking into the fire?”

After Delany’s insult received a reaction, a Foxtel Group official apologized and clarified his remarks. The statement from the business, which The Wrap was able to receive, said, “The Foxtel Group apologizes if his statements were misunderstood and caused any offense.” However, the actress is very much popular, and her insult also offended her fans, and fans are not happy with it.

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