The Dhadak actress Janhvi Kapoor has now shared a series of all smile pictures keeping it candid with her fashion avatars on social media. The actress looked all gorgeous as she got decked up in a classy denim dungaree topped on a sheer green-white sweater. The actress looked perfect as she grooved it up with beautiful smile and minimal look.
The actress could be seen teaming the look up with sleek mid-parted hairdo, along with dewy minimal eye makeup look. The actress rounded it off with nude lips, while keeping her lively smile intact. The actress further oomphed the look with golden hoop earrings, while captioning it with, “amstagram” alongside.
Here take a look-
Taking note, the Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara actress, Katrina Kaif got all lovestruck with her pictures as she hits a like button to the series.
On the work front, apart from her debut film Dhadak, the actress has also worked in films like Roohi and more and also in some popular music videos too.