Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the ace filmmaker, has often expressed his desire to reunite with Salman Khan many times, and the two came close to working together recently with the now-shelved Inshallah. Sanjay, who is on cloud nine posts the success of his latest movie Gangubai Kathiawadi, addressed the possibility of working with Salman again.
As per reports in Indian Express, on working with Salman again, Bhansali shared, “The ball in his court. My utmost regard and respect for the person who did Khamoshi for me, who did Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam for me, and who stood by me during Sawariyaa. He has been an important part of who I am today and I will always respect him for it. The ball is in his court for him to decide if he wants to work with me.”
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