Arjun Kapoor is one of the leading Bollywood actors. He recently completed 10 years in the film industry and spoke about how he has reset himself to go back to his core values and understanding. Arjun made his debut with 2012’s Ishaqzaade, which was a huge hit and set the stage for the young actor to deliver hits in romance drama 2 States and 1970s-set action film Gunday. He followed this up with films such as Ki & Ka, Mubarakan and Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, but there were also failures in Tevar, Namaste England and Panipat.
The pandemic finally gave the actor some time to pause and reflect on his journey in cinema. As per reports in Indian Express, in an interview with PTI, he was quoted saying. “Ten years down the line, I’ve reset to thinking and feeling like I was in 2010-2011. That’s what I’ve used the last two years for, to go back to my core values, my core understanding of who I’m and what kind of work I would like to do.”
“I’m thinking like an audience and trying to deliver what I would like to watch as a viewer myself. I’ve gone back to my basics. I’m trying to rechart my personal and professional growth along the way through those learnings,” he added.
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